Dance Info

Code Of Conduct


Performances and Excursions

Attendance is compulsory to all performances and excursions.
Permission notes will be issued and are required to be signed by the parent/caregiver and returned to the tutor or OMA office.

OMA dance culture

There are expectations with regards to commitments and attitudes displayed by the dance students enrolled in
our program. These are listed below.

  • Be ready to learn, be inspired, reach for new achievements and view mistakes as learning opportunities.
  • Attend and arrive promptly to all classes and performances.
  • Kindly inform the OMA office in timely manner if you are unable to attend a class (see T&C). This is showing courtesy to the dance tutors and other members of dance groups. This includes, but is not limited to, instances of illness and injury.
  • For classes missed without prior notice, please inform the OMA office of reasons for missed classes.
  • Show respect to tutors and class members by behaving in a responsible and friendly manner. 

Failure to commit to and display of our dance culture may result in expulsion from class and refusal of future re-enrolments.



Troupes, Starz, Elite and JFH Troupe

  • We understand that Performance Troupes and Private lessons are a privilege and that class attendance is compulsory.
  • We will notify our dance tutor and the OMA office of any absences for performances and competitions with a minimum of 4 weeks' notice.
  • I understand that if I miss classes the two weeks leading up to a competition, I may be asked not to compete.
  • We understand that per term, only 1 class may be missed for Troupe. This must be supported by an email from the parent or guardian to the OMA Office
  • As a Pacific Hills Christian School ambassador, I agree to display God-honouring behaviour, work ethic and attitude.
  • I understand that a major consideration for inclusion in Troupe is God-honouring behaviour, including a supportive team spirit. I agree that if I am not modelling this behaviour, that my enrolment may be suspended.

Additional Rehearsals

Depending on the need, as assessed by dance tutors, additional rehearsal classes may be scheduled before competitions or events. The above mentioned rehearsals are mandatory and will be billed to families.


Troupe & Company pre-requisites to be considered for the class

Troupe (YR 1-12)

  • Technique
  • One recreational class of choice
  • Be a PHCS student


  • (Yr 1-6) Troupe is required


  • Yr 4-6 Troupe (for PHCS Students)
  • Technique Class
  • Troupe or Commercial Jazz


  • Senior Hip Hop class
  • Stretch & Strength or Technique or Ballet

Jnr & Snr Elite

  • Yr 4-6 Troupe (for Jnr Elite)
  • Lyrical/Contemporary class
  • Technique
  • (Ballet also strongly encouraged)

Small Groups/Solos, Duos, Trios

  • Class in style of SG/S/D/T +
  • Technique

Get in Touch

OneMaker Academy

A9 Quarry Rd Dural NSW 2158

Eemail us

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